How to smart charge a BYD Atto 3

Almost all useful smart charging features (like off-peak charge scheduling and solar diversion) involve not charging the instant you plug in your car, and instead waiting for the opportune moment. That might be the start of your cheaper electricity tariff or the point in the morning when your solar export reaches 1.5kW.
If you've set your car up for smart charging, you might notice that when you plug your car in and walk away your EV will eventually go to sleep. Many cars will wait until your designated smart charging opportunity and then wake up when the power begins to flow.
However, some don't — like the BYD Atto 3. While sleeping is a useful feature in terms of power conservation, it can present a problem if you'd like to smart charge efficiently.
We added a feature to solve this problem: Keep Awake. Turning this on will periodically offer the car small amounts of energy to avoid it going to sleep, and leaving it ready for the main charging session at your desired time.

Keep Awake can be found under the General Settings page in the Evnex app. It will attempt to keep the car awake for up to 24 hours.